If you have purchased your product(s) on Welcoworkwear.com and have already submitted a return request, we recommend the following guidelines when shipping your return:
- You may use the original shipment packaging or your own. Please make sure any
reference of an old tracking numbers or barcodes are completely removed or covered. - Insert a printed copy of your return request confirmation (or your original order confirmation) that you received via email inside the box.
- If your return qualified for a pre-paid return shipping label, please securely attach the shipping label provided to the package. Be sure to use clear tape as to not cover up any important reference numbers.
- If your return did not qualify for a pre-paid return shipping label, we recommend selecting a shipping service that allows for package tracking and keeping the tracking number for your records. Any additional return shipping costs are non-refundable.
- Please be sure to write your return request number (or your original order number) on the outside of the box in a BIG, BOLD marker.
- Ship your return based on the shipping service shown on the label provided. We recommend retaining a photo or copy of your drop-off receipt for your records.
Learn more about our Return Policy